Not to be morbid, but any intelligent human being is aware of their mortality and should, in my opinion, make provision for the disposition of their material goods and intellectual property after they die.
This site and the software it runs on are part of Simon's estate.
A couple of years ago when our friend Richard Rawe died, I was shocked to learn that he never had prepared a will. If it wasn't for the fact that his widow Frances was generally in agreement with the wishes he expressed BUT NEVER PUT INTO A FORMAL WILL, Richard's gigantic library could have been taken to the dump.
In addition to this oversight, Richard left no record of where certain financial resources that belonged to him were located, and so far these resources have NOT BEEN FOUND and so they do not exist as far as Richard's heirs are concerned.
Bottom line: be prudent; accept your mortality and arrange for what happens the day after. Your heirs will thank you.